The experience to be human, to be a sentient, physical entity that lives in a material world, conversing with other beings of a sensory realm comes with the inert search for more life.

It is, in particular, the unknown that provides a high degree of satisfaction to our senses.

If something happens to us we haven’t experienced before – even if we have challenged it to happen – it seems to touch our very core and gives us a deep feeling of excitement, peace, and fulfillment.

At the same time, we seem to act cautiously when it comes to something we don’t know yet, something that comes from beyond our known environment even and in particular if it is of a non physical nature.

We consider our identity threatened facing the “Unknown” in fear of losing control.

And that although we come from the unknown, live within its realm and pass over back into its folds before to long.

Whole societies thrive on consumerism because in all of us lingers this need to look for fulfillment, this urge to have something new in our lives.

And of course, as long as its new, even material possessions alone will satisfy this need for a short while. But before we know it well enough, say with any new toy, we are already on the lookout for a new one. 

So, what is it really that causes this deep-rooted need? 

It’s the search of our soul for itself!

And how can it excess itself and thus have more, be more and experience more?

It wants to sensitise its senses. It wants to become aware of itself!


How about, if what we perceived through our senses was but a fraction of what there is?

What if the world as we know it is but a tainted glass through which we have learned to look and see the same coloures over and over again? Nothing new, no change!

This is where a growing awareness comes to the rescue!

A sensitisation, a refinement of the senses that allows us to notice more and thus enjoy more. A whole new world opens up to provide us with new insides, inspiring thoughts connecting us to motivating moves of action.

Visions of colour and form that shape not only the world we live in but the incredible future we are creating while being aware that we are alive!

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