The contribution of leadership

Self-responsibility is a decision we have to make. It’s a commitment to live life to the fullest and increasingly gain the full potential underlying the un- or semi-formed personality.
At first sight, the floating state of mediocracy looks easy to fill, while the commitment to full responsibility has a crisp, sometimes harsh wind to it.
But observing a little closer, it is soon discovered, that the painful circumstances resulting from non-compliance are far more common delivering a mediocre performance, than it does with someone eager to serve.
Joy and pain are mainly of our own doing.
Ancient Buddhist teaching even speaks of:
“There is nothing in this world, no thing, no one, no circumstance or outcome that does not come directly from you!”
Virtually saying, that we, as a conscious entity, due to everything we do or don’t do, even tracing back into past lifetimes, are responsible for everything that happens in our world.

For many of you, this may pass the threshold of acceptance. Don’t even care if it does, a life lived in full responsibility will always advance you instead of keeping you blind.
And you know what?
The fulfilment of any of your dreams is directly connected to your responsibility, no matter if it relates to caring for your children or running your business to serve others.
It’s a win-win, and cannot be overestimated.
If you haven’t as yet, start with it right now. Now is always the only point in time, later does not exist.
Enjoy the ride!