Goal and Strategie

“Tomorrow’s Victory is today’s practice!!

I read that the other day and it reverberated with me.
Then I thought of it some more, and I realized that in life, there is no rehearsal. Everything is original and crisp, and even though to us, the stages of skill make a difference, the practice of today is an achievement in itself and should be experienced as such.

If you grasp the full extend, of this, the path becomes the goal everything deserves attention and the loving service finishing in detail assures that the fulfilment of life is always taken care off.
Enjoy the ride! Avoid anxiety as much as you can by becoming aware of the driving force behind it all. It wears a coat of perfection before it even starts its creative process. And we are a result of that.

Yes, when the shadow of doubt falls on our path, it seems all a waste of effort. But when the measure of attention has regained the light of knowing streams into the slightest crevasses.
Cheer up and celebrate.
“The path is the Goal!”