How much have we grown?

From early on in our lives, we learned about the different feeling that comes about when things are right or wrong for us. Hunger and comfort must have been amongst the first to trigger them.
In those days, these feelings seemed to be all we had, and our reaction came promptly without delay.
With time the ability to contemplate allowed us a little spell before we reacted, depending on how chronic the issue got for us the short period either increased or disappeared altogether.
You know, what we are talking about here is an essential denominator to determine the quality of life we want to live.
Is our identity connected to experiences we once had, which are now ingrained in our minds as habits, or have we learned to pick them out to chose the path we want to tread?
The difference can determine the fulfilment of your dreams or a lifetime walking through hell.

It is because these habitual traps aren’t picked out easily that we chose a path supportive of reaching our goals.
One of the main puzzle pieces influencing our wellbeing will always remain of how we make a living.
Are we playing our part responsibly, or are we just doing it because we’re told too?
Responsibility goes either way and starts by being responsible towards ourselves. It is us who needs to take ourselves serious before we can care for others. Although the decision to value ourselves is quickly made once we understand the many beneficial consequences radiating from it, the process of getting there affords some significant steps.
One of those, to me, was the decision to learn what gives me financial independence.
And yes, whatever it is, it must be more than just the money! Even though it’s the money that buys you time to do the things you want to do, while you are making it you are spending time, and time is the commodity you cannot replace. So spend it wisely and aim to benefit from it in one way or another. Sometimes we may be down there, so let us pick something up, we’re down there anyway. It leads us to understand, that whatever positive we contribute – and picking up on the negative is positive – will advance us towards where we want to go!