Time has come!

My dear fellow inhabitants of this planet earth!

To vote for the rehabilitation of our home planet, we need to realize that our main activity lies in filling our moment of life with presence.

Presence can only be experienced by overcoming the role we’re playing while we are still playing it. Live is a natural system. Like a tree grows towards the light, it requires the nutrients the soil provides. These are made accessible to its roots by fungi which are in turn nourished by the tree with sugars it produces in the leaves from sunlight. These are sent down to the roots to feed the fungus.

You see, it is all a symbiosis of one hand reaching for another to thrive.

And thrive we want and need too, not only to survive but to live a life of conscious engagement with what and who we are, to be happy and fulfilled.

This is not philosophy in the sense of theory but finds its very practical roots in nature who nourishes us like it does all other life-form.

What makes us humans special is our ability to be conscious in the way of planning for the future, by learning from experience and improving our tactics to survive.

The problem to solve lies in the fact that if this quality is brought to use egoistically, it destroys the very turf the game is played.

So, what is the ego, and how can it naturally be put to use in a positive sense?

The ego keeps us from stepping over the ledge to help us survive. Every moving creature in nature shares that reaction. It starts when we experience ourselves as separate from everything else that the ego puts on a different mask.

Scientifically speaking, we are not separate. We are an entity connected to all and everything else around us. That is a proven fact. The idea that our survival, our pleasure and our personal satisfaction stands above all else is what not only cuts the branch that holds us but we never truly find what we are looking for, which lies in the very connection to everything else.

The environment is the biosphere that extends our lungs.

Not to destroy what we depend on becomes a matter of living a mindful life, of being aware of all of our actions while we are performing them.

That’s a significant shift for most of us, but it needs so urgently to take place.

Commit yourself today and find your personal practice to remind you of it. Otherwise, it will soon be covered by the many roles you have to play every day.

Instead, what we want is a success.

It is succeeding in doing business to provide wealth to us and the few around us regardless of what it does to the environment.

But let me assure you like the tree does its business by growing towards the light and needs the nutrients from the soil, we can contribute to a changing world in a way our Time demands, and make a living while we do.

Information and awareness is a commodity like anything else. By the contribution to the wellbeing of others, we make ourselves eligible to ask for some “nutrients” in return.

Let’s do it! Time has come!