Attitudes towards a fulfilling life

Attitudes to maintain by Jon Kabat-Zinn
With elaborations on their attributes by Richard Rickert

1. Approach life from the mind of a Beginner.

2. Try not to judge. 

3. Accept life as it comes.

4. Let go of whatever it is you are holding on.

5. Trust life as it unfolds.

6. Be patient with yourself and others.

7. Live in a mode of none-striving.

8. Be mindful of gratitude.

9. Always be generous.

Approach life from the mind of a Beginner.

Growing up in a materialistically orientated society, it comes to no surprise that our orientation focusses on the outer world, glorifying the body and losing the entrance to the inner realm.

Do you remember your own beginner’s stages?  What was it like to look into and feel the world around you as a child?

Children are not preoccupied with past and future references. They are in and experience the moment of life as it unfolds. 

I used to live in an old cottage build in 1754. One day in late autumn we had pouring rain when I noticed something else happening outside.  As I bend down to look through one of the very low windows, I came to witness a fife-year-old boy who had only arrived minutes earlier with his parents, spinning around his own axle, arms widespread, face-up laughing into the rain.

None of the usual concerns like too cold, too wet, too windy was his. 

He experienced the joy of being exposed to that life-giving rain. His body-water in communication with that pouring rain knowing without explanation that life is happening.

These are the experiences of a beginner: Watching the world with unblemished eyes, experiencing from a deep place within the body.It is the whole body that holds the key to such an experience. It is the depth of connection to it which opens the doors to all our senses. 

Comparatively, many of us just eat and drink instead to make up for those missing links to fulfilment.


Try not to judge

We can’t but look into the world with our conditioned mind. All the information it receives we filter through this basic conditioning we have learned to know by influences from early on by parents, teachers and the general world around us. 

This, of course, has very practical reasons, namely to secure our survival, to determine which way we are headed and whom, apart from ourselves we should care about. 

Still, that very same function prevents us from approaching the world with an open mind and thus prevents us from being present with the exciting phenomena of life as it takes place. 

By refraining from constant judgment make room for the awareness necessary to fill us with aw. Not only our mind, but our heart who’s gratefulness for being fed the very information it needs to thrive can fill us with gratitude and satisfying love to share. 

Accept Life as it comes

The ability to accept life as it comes, more and more, is grown by the realisation that we are, by nature, connected to everything and everyone.

The not accepting function of our mind is directly merged with the judgemental mind, replacing, like we earlier learned, the true-life experience as it happens in the NOW. 

The self-identifying mind, connected the persona of a human being, comes with the consequence of feeling separated. It experiences separation from others, separation from the environment, and finally even separation from itself; which lies at the root-core of depression. 

 Accepting life as it comes in turn, connects us with the life-force itself. It catapults us into the moment of action on all levels; the minimal and the substantial leading us to live in an entirely fulfilling manner.

Let go off whatever you are holding on

To genuinely letting go of what it is we are holding on to is easier said than done as it appears. Because what we are holding on to is our personal picture of ourselves, of others and the world.

We like what we know and feel comforted by familiarity. Meaning that to let go risks losing oneself and the world we’re attached. 

Only little by little do we dare to let go primarily in situations presenting no threat to us.

But if we do, we eventually learn that our home lies hidden in the realm of the unknown; that it comes with the ability to take care of us much better than we can ourselves. 

Just as our heartbeats, without us having to worry about it, and our breath flows in and out, this force is with us continually, working everything at the same time. 

Only the separated human mind is capable of producing a negative, unforeseen outcome for itself and others.

Trust life as it unfolds

By now we start to see clearly, that all we are referring to pivots around the same topic. To let go, we need to trust. We need to have faith in the very life-force running the show.


You know, ten million cells are being replaced within our bodies every second. Just imagine what we would be preoccupied doing if we had to make decisions about all that! At the same time, faith is something that has either remained with us naturally from youth or is in need to regain using an open mind and a supportive heart.

Be patient with yourself and others

We cannot be patient with others not being patient with ourselves; just as we cannot love others if we don’t love ourselves.To be patient with ourselves we need to know where we are travelling, what it is that nourishes us on this journey and which goal to reach we have set our sights on.

To know all that about ourselves is hidden in the knowledge of the force. It is this force that is creating us and the world around us into this present moment of life.

Knowing it, being aware of it while life is happening, feeds us with the forgiving qualities of love and compassion, applicable to ourselves and the people we deal. 

True patience is seeing the divine in all existence.

Live in a mode of NONE STRIVING

Not to strive for anything in an aggressive mode but rather to strive to fulfil the natural task ahead indicates a coherent mind and body experience. 

Non-striving stands to leave your ego out!

Striving as part of natures force, like plants strive to reach for the light and rives flow to reach for the sea, comes with the same confidence as our planet orbits around the sun. 

Because we tend to be head focussed, occupied thinking ahead, we tend to strive for the goals we’re blinded to have to reach. 

The awareness of a non-striving attitude can be very helpful in resolving and preventing forceful situations.   

Be mindful of GRATITUDE

Gratitude in itself is not just an attitude towards others after receiving, but an emotion, an “energy in motion”, that governs the functions of our bodies in an extraordinary favourable way. 

It strengthens our heart-brain communication, supports our intuitive senses and acts in favour of more than one thousand-three hundred further biochemical processes supportive of our body-mind balance. 

Living the emotion of gratitude means getting into a state of receptiveness consciously. Gratitude cannot be produced or felt in any other way but by being ready for it. 

To silently utter thankful words prepares our mind to take a humble attitude towards the world from which it derived.

It opens our mind to make possible what only the creative force itself can bring to pass.  


Always be GENEROUS

The glory of a flourishing human being is known in his or her generosity. 

To be genuinely generous is knowing about the origin of everything and giving from the heart. 

The heart itself is generous by nature. It pumps your blood day and night for the whole of your lifetime. Even in the most counterproductive circumstances, when acting angry, or extending aggression towards others, the heart response supportive of your choice of experience, giving generous what you need to have it. 

Be like your heart and give from the abundance of life!

Feel what it’s like to act from that deep connection and give!

And know, what you give from the heart will come back to you tenfold in one way or another! 

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