The Four Steps to Freedom

A Life Beyond Compare

That fantasy is an aspect of my life I had to relearn after the “System” had tried to extinguish it within me.

The world we live in founds on imagination!

We create it from what we think and feel!

That fantasy is an aspect of my life I had to learn After the “System” had worked hard to extinguish it within me.


Here’s an example from the so-called “real world”:

As significant changes almost always derive from the ideas of people who dare to think beyond the “box”, Henry Ford and his endeavour to change the thousand and more year-old tradition of horse-transport stand out.

He fantasised, creating the vision of a self-propelled vehicle that everyone could effort. And from this fantasy, a new reality was born.

 Let us take this example for real and get aware of what it takes to get where we want to be. 

There are many steps on the journey which will lead us much further into our self-discovery than we would anticipate right now. But four of them make themselves felt as soon as we are ready to apply them:


The Four steps to Freedom 

  1. The first is to become clear of what you want. What is it that you can fantasise from the depth of your heart, that you feel would make you happy? Happiness lies at the bottom of our existential purpose. Like a mole digs its holes into the ground in search for juicy earthworms, we are propelled by the intuitive wish to be happy.
  1. The second step is to build your vision of what you want to become. An image, so interwoven with your system, that whenever you think of it, it becomes a feelable reality.

Think of it often! Draw it or collect pictures you can look at and surround yourselves. Hang them up in your bedroom so you can see them before you fall asleep. It will leave an impression on your mind to establish a firmer connection.

Make it a habit to feel where you want to be and enjoy this feeling whenever you have it.



  1. Then you start making practical steps towards making your dream come true by starting to observe what it is that keeps you from experiencing the totality of it.

Mostly, it is old habits and conditionings taken on board from schooling and childhood upbringing that ever so slightly creep into our experience of life.

They undermine the creative thought and thus the experiencing of it.

As the feeling connected to our wish expands beyond conscious thought, when it actually takes part of the room of our perception of the world, it is bound to take its physical form, because we intuitively fill our lives in the effort to receive it.

As the saying goes: The man/woman who fills the space he or she lives in will expand to greater space!

  1. The fourth step then is to take the opportunity when noting what prevents our visionary experience from unfolding its full potential and act immediately.

Acting immediately for us means doing anything leading us out of the trap of procrastination to make an actual step towards our goal. Of these, the action of visualisation is the most important and at the same time the closest to our nature.

These four steps carry the potential to not only help you to reach your goals but are a vital tool to lead a fulfilled life while learning to know yourselves better.

By becoming aware of what keeps us from making the next step, we are growing our awareness of life itself narrowing the illusionary gap that seems to separate us from our lives.

Imagine, the force that creates all life-forms around us, creates universes, ourselves and indeed the media we use to entertain and distract ourselves from it in hidden fear of the unknown. 


By becoming aware of what distracts us from moving towards our vision, we intercept that tragic flow of unhappiness which happens to push us deeper and deeper into negative thought. Instead, we learn to grab the “rabbit by its legs”, so to speak, and realise our very own creative vision.

 See, to be successful takes both journeys – the inner and the outer – to become one. And precisely, that is what happens when you follow these four steps. They help you to make your vision of life and your ability to create real!

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